Friday, November 13, 2009

Block Breaker...

it's been a few days since i've posted anything.  i've been in a bit of a writing rut.  school absorbs so much of my time that i haven't any left for creativity.  i feel rather drained.  although i love school, it still takes a lot out of me.  i just spent the better part of my morning poring over a paper that i had to read and answer questions on.  by the end, i was skimming the paper for the answers because it was so dry and confusing.  oh well, i get the gist of it.

on a happier note, i'm getting the hang of this driving in the city thing.  i used to get lost and panic, now i kinda get where i am going...although it's always the long way around.  basically, no matter where i'm going, i have to start from the apartment.  for example, last night i met april for dinner...i was coming from the school, so i had to drive back to the apartment and then drive to the restaurant.  basically, it took me probably twice as long as it should have.  but...i got there!  that's all that matters, right?

are you bored yet?  do you see what i mean?  virtually no creativity!  just the facts, ma'am.  i've bored myself.  i think that is a sign it's time to wrap up this post.

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