Friday, November 6, 2009

I'm Not Addicted, I Just Like The High...

today was my medicine evaluation. i get there and she's running 30mins behind. great. i'm stuck in a waiting room with some crazy looking 15yr old kid who's beady eyes were set too close together and she kept eating something out of her purse and crunching it with her mouth open. i was on edge already because i had to wait...i *almost* snapped. i wanted to say something to her so badly. she looked like one of those lil snot-nosed punk kids. she was wearing 2 watches on her arm and a halloween t-shirt. halloween may be the day the freak show comes out...but it's over. like...a week over. anyway, before we go any further...i dislike most kids. i especially dislike teenagers. i have a theory that children are sticky until they turn 13 and then they become know-it-all brats until 25. finally the dr comes to get me. but let me clarify...she's no DOCTOR...she's a NURSE PRACTITIONER...that said, she grills me over my myriad of meds. do i think this one is working vs this other one. honestly...i've been on most of them for 3yrs and couldn't tell you if one certain med is working better than another. i take them all together. i always get frustrated by her. she panders to me and tries to be sugary sweet...but i know she thinks i'm an idiot. she keeps telling me that one of my drugs is addictive and eventually she'll take it away. she'll have to pry it from my cold, dead's the only drug that i know works because i can feel the relief once i take it. so finally, the appointment is over and i am cleared for another 2 months. whee!

medication time. ahh...sweet relief.

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