Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Did You Miss Me...? Huh? Huh? Didja?

it's been ages since i last wrote anything...hopefully someone noticed.  i hate to think that my absence has gone unheeded.  that thought just makes me sad.  and, when i get sad i cry.  and, when i cry it makes those around me sad...so, even if you didn't miss me...lie.

anyway...so here's the skinny on what's been going on with me as of late.  school is going really well.  i have 1 last final to take on friday and then i'm officially done...d-u-n...done.  classes don't start up again until the 9th, but i don't have any until the 11th.  i switched up my schedule a bit.  dropped 'intro to folklore' and picked up 'the writer's notebook'.  i met the professor for 'the writer's notebook' today and he seemed like a good guy.  really looking forward to that class.  my adviser, scott, seems to think i'll excel in that class and i'm hoping to prove him correct!

i also have applied for an on-campus job in the survey center.  (basically, i'll be sitting at a computer calling people and asking them to take surveys)  my friend, marita, works there and she talked to her boss, stephanie.  stephanie basically told marita that i had the job.  i have a phone interview tomorrow at 11a.  i'll keep you posted, dear readers. 

in other news...someone has a birthday coming up.  my 'golden birthday' is dec 30th.  that's right...i'll be joining the dirty XXX club (as april puts it!)  i'm the last one of my friends to turn the big 3-0.  no...strike that...audrey is only 26 (or 27...something like that).  anywho...so d threw me a party on the 12th.  we all (me, d, joe, trish, shay, jaimie, liam, jessica, evan, april, amanda (new friend possibilities...!), and ashley) went to siam square for dindin (my first time trying thai food!) and then we went duck pin bowling (first time doing that, too).  as part of my b'day gift, d paid for everyone's shoes and bowling fees.  she rented out 2 lanes for 1.5 hrs.  we had a BLAST!  it was so incredibly fun.  everyone loved it.  i had the grooviest birthday party EVER. best part is...it's not over!  today is only the 15th...we still have another 15 days before the official 'day of birthing'.  wonder what's to come in the next couple of weeks...?!

to keep along the theme of celebrating my birth...maxine dangerous and i had a birthday luncheon at a local chinese joint near the school this afternoon.  we dined on the usual chinese fare...and she presented me with the cutest card...as well as a gift card (!) to target (!!) and some hello kitty stickers.  awesome gift.  awesome chick.

speaking of awesome gifts...i got some pretty awesome gifts for my b'day, as well.  ash gave me a starbucks gift card (yay for chai tea lattes!), jessica and evan gave me a hello kitty charm and a flipflop charm that has my birthstone on it, joe, trish, and shay got me a sweater (that, sadly, does not fit...and it's too bad because it's really cute) and some ferrero rocher candies, and april got me a whole stocking full of stuff...2 scarves, a whole set of pina colada scented bathy-pampery type things, a foot scrubber, and the book train wreck.  (it's anna nicole smith's story as told by her sister).  i'm looking forward to reading it over break.

welp...i should wrap this up.  d will be home soon and my phone has been going off non-stop.  i need to attend to these text messages and decide what i'm making for my poor, sick honey for dinner.  (d's had a cold since friday...poor thing)

1 loves left:

Maxine Dangerous said...

1. I missed you. I like reading your entries. :)

2. You are also awesome. :) I had a great time at lunch. I'm glad we got to hang out and talk for quite a while. Had it not been for the noodle sucker (dirty!), we might still be there. Okay, maybe not. :D

3. The Writer's Notebook sounds like a great class based SOLELY on the title. I look forward to hearing about it and have half a mind to sign up for it myself. :)


5. Thanks for the very cool Christmas presents!! I opened the box in the car (dirty x 2!!) and spilled Xmas greetings on myself, along with peace and joy. It was poetic and wonderful. :)

Bonus: My word verification, which is milliott, either sounds like the name of a British author or the name you'd give to a wealthy but tragically stupid rich person. :D