Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Long Way…

So, I decided it's time to make some changes. I'm going to start walking more. Hoping that making these small changes will help lead to bigger changes. Like less binging and more healthful choices. I know it seems like I'm harping on the whole thing with this being my second entry about it, but I am hoping to turn the corner and stop some of my bad habits that have led me down this path. Fair warning: my blog is going to contain a lot of talk about this in the coming posts because I'm hoping this is going to consume my life and take over the eating. We'll see what happens.

1 loves left:

Maxine Dangerous said...

Your blog, your rules. :) Walking is a great step (no pun intended). I want to get into a regular fitness regimen myself. My Y membership is just costing me money at this point. I think it's funny that "shappe" is the word verification. Ironically close to shape. :D